Table of Contents
8.04.010 Definitions.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as set forth in this section. The terms below shall have the following meanings when used in Title 8.
“Accessory Dwelling Unit” (A.D.U.) means a separate complete residential unit designed for occupancy by a family. It is substantially contained within the contiguous structure or attached garage of a single-family residence and there is internal access between the units. In addition to an existing dwelling, there shall be no more than one Accessory Dwelling Unit per lot. Accessory Dwelling Units shall be clearly a subordinate part of an existing residence.
“Agency” means any city, town, state, or department thereof.
“A.S.T.M.” means the American Society for Testing Materials.
“Board” means the board of commissioners, the governing body of Birch Bay Water and Sewer District, state of Washington.
“B.O.D.” (denoting “biochemical oxygen demand”) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days in twenty degree centigrade, expressed in milligrams per liter.
“Campground” means park facilities that provide camping opportunities in addition to other uses. Camping is the primary function for this type of park area.
“Capping permit” means a permit required for the disconnection of sewer service.
“Church” means land and/or building(s) owned by a private nonprofit entity used for religious purposes and which serves mainly the community where located.
“Cluster living units” means living units, such as trailers, cabins or houses which have utilities operated and maintained by an association or by a common owner.
“Commission” means the board of commissioners of the district.
“Commercial customer” means a customer of the district utilizing the premises connected to the district system for nonresidential or commercial purposes, including without limitation, retail uses, grocery and/or convenience stores, restaurants or other eating establishments, bars or lounges, clubhouses, public or private community buildings, gas stations, auto repair or service stations, professional offices, banks or lending institutions, barber or beauty shops, warehouses, theaters or auditoriums, laundromats, schools, medical facilities, hospitals, rest homes, convalescent centers, or treatment facilities.
“Condominium” means real property, portions of which are designated for separate ownership for residential purposes and the remainder of which is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those portions. Real property is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners, and unless a declaration and a survey map and plans have been recorded pursuant to Chapter 64.34 RCW. The terms “common elements” and “unit owners” as used in this definition shall have the meanings set forth in RCW 64.34.020, as amended or recodified. A timeshare condominium is a type of Condominium which includes timeshare condominium units as defined in the definition of Condominium Unit herein.
“Condominium Unit” or “unit” in a Condominium means a physical portion of the Condominium designated for separate ownership, the boundaries of which are described pursuant to RCW 64.34.216(1)(d), as amended or recodified. “Separate ownership” includes leasing a unit in a leasehold condominium under a lease that expires contemporaneously with any lease, the expiration or termination of which will remove the unit from the condominium. A timeshare condominium unit is a Condominium Unit or unit in a Condominium where there is a right to occupy such Condominium Unit or any of several such units during three or more separate time periods over a period of at least three years, including renewal options, whether or not coupled with an estate in land.
“County” means Whatcom County, Washington.
“Cover” means the depth of material lying between the top of the sewer or drain and the finish grade immediately above it.
“Customer” means a property owner that has a connection to the district's sewer system.
“Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit” means a separate and complete dwelling unit not attached in any way to the main or existing dwelling unit; designed for occupancy by a family. In addition to an existing or permitted dwelling, there shall be no more than one Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit per lot. Detached Accessory Dwelling Units shall be clearly a subordinate part of an existing residence.
“District” means the Birch Bay Water and Sewer District, a special purpose district and municipal corporation of Whatcom County, state of Washington.
“District sewerage system” means the system of conduits, pumps, treatment plants and structures used for the purpose of conveying from their source, treating in any manner, and conveying to final points of disposal all wastes of any nature permitted by this chapter to enter such system.
“Downspout” means a pipe which conducts water from a roof of a building or structure.
“Engineer” means any consulting engineer or any district employee performing engineering work for the district.
“Equivalent living unit” (“ELU”) and “residential customer equivalent” (“RCE”) mean a unit estimated to have approximately the same water use and/or to produce the same sewer waste as one single-family residence, to be determined in accordance with this chapter.
“Excess I & I” means: (1) any combination of infiltration and inflow (“I & I”) that causes the volume of flow discharged to the District sewer system from a Premises during any consecutive 24 hours in the Wet Weather Period to increase by more than 2.3 times the average rate of flow from said Premises during the preceding period of 30 consecutive days and/or (2) any combination of infiltration and inflow (“I & I”) resulting in a volume of flow discharged to the District sewer system from a Premises which causes, or contributes significantly to, an overflow of the District’s collection, transmission and pumping system. Evidence of Excess I & I may include but will not be limited to flow monitoring, smoke testing, video testing and dye testing.
“Excess I & I Report” means a report prepared under the direction of the General Manager in support of a recommendation to the Board regarding Excess I & I.
“Fixture units” as used in this title means that measure of the quantity of liquid waste that a sewer or drain plumbing fixture is capable of discharging as specified in the Uniform Plumbing Code, as adopted and amended in the most current Whatcom County ordinances. In situations where the plumbing fixtures for sewer are not listed in the Uniform Plumbing Code as specified above, fixture units shall be determined by this code and other applicable policies and procedures approved by the board of commissioners.
“Garbage” means putrescible waste from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
“General manager” means the general manager of the district or any authorized employee of the district performing work on behalf of the general manager.
“Hotel/Motel” means any building or group of attached buildings not designed for separate ownership, intended or designed with separate rooms or divided living spaces to be used, rented or hired out, or to be occupied for sleeping purposes only by transients for varying lengths of time, including less than one week.
“I & I” means infiltration and inflow. Infiltration takes place when groundwater enters side sewers through deteriorated or damaged side sewer pipes. Inflow occurs when stormwater is discharged into side sewers or the sewer system through direct connections, such as downspouts, foundation drains, and driveway drains. I & I is the major deterrent to the successful performance of a wastewater conveyance or treatment system.
“Inside” means the side sewer constructed on private property from the plumbing outlet to the stub sewer.
“Mains” means sewer lines designed or used to serve more than one premises.
“Mobile Home” means a dwelling designed for long-term human habitation by one family and having complete living facilities; constructed and fabricated into a complete unit at a factory and capable of being transported to a location of use on its own chassis and wheels; identified by a model number and serial number by its manufacturer and designed primarily for placement on an impermanent footing. A unit which was originally built as a mobile home but which has substantially lost its mobility through being placed on a permanent footing, and which wholly meets state standards for such units, shall not be considered to be a mobile home and shall be treated as a single-family dwelling for the purpose of this ordinance only when it is fixed to a permanent footing and tongue and axle have been removed and skirting installed.
“Mobile Home Park” means any parcel or adjacent parcels of land in the same ownership which is utilized for occupancy by more than two mobile homes. This term shall not be construed to mean campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks or tourist facilities for camping.
“Multiple Family Residence” means a single building, or portion thereof, designed for or occupied by two or more families living independently of each other in separate dwelling units on one lot of record and, for the purpose of this code, includes duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, apartment buildings, and residential condominiums.
“Multiple dwelling” means a multiple-family dwelling, namely, a building designed and/or used to house two or more families living independently of each other and including all necessary household functions of each such family, such as, motels, hotels and apartments.
“Natural outlet” means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake, bay or other body of surface or ground water.
“Other structure” means any building other than a single-family or multiple-family dwelling.
“Outside connections” means any sewer constructed in a public right-of-way and where the public agency who has jurisdiction of such right-of-way requires a permit fee or any other charge.
“Park Model Trailer” means a trailer designed to provide seasonal or temporary living quarters which may be used with temporary connections to utilities necessary for operation of installed fixtures and appliances. It has a gross trailer area not exceeding 400 square feet or is approved by the state as a park model trailer.
“Park Model Trailer Court” means any parcel or adjacent parcels of land in the same ownership which is utilized for occupancy by more than two park model trailers. This term shall not be construed to mean campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks or tourist facilities for camping.
“Person” means any individual, company, partnership, corporation, association, society or group; and the singular term shall include the plural.
“pH” means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
“Plumbing outlet” means, in plumbing, the part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drain-age system that received the discharge from soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the side sewer (house connection). The latter begins thirty inches outside the inner face of the building wall.
“Premises” means a continuous tract of land, building or group of adjacent buildings under a single control with respect to the use of sewer and responsibility for payment therefor. Subdivisions of such use or responsibility shall constitute a division into separate premises as defined in this section.
“Properly shredded garbage” means garbage which has been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than 1/2 inch in any dimension.
“Public sewer” means any sanitary sewers, including but not limited to trunks, laterals, stubs and force mains and being constructed by the district or any person within the public right-of-way or easement obtained by the district.
“Residential customer” means a customer of the district utilizing the premises connected to the district system for residential purposes.
“RV” or “Recreational Vehicle” or “Camping Trailer” means a motor vehicle, or portable structure capable of being transported on the highways by a motor vehicle, that is designed and intended for casual or short-term human occupancy for travel, recreational and vacation uses without a permanent foundation; identified by a model number (RV), serial number and vehicle registration number; equipped with limited water storage and other self-contained living facilities. The term “recreational vehicle” shall include self-contained campers, motor homes and travel trailers and shall not include park model trailers, as they are not self-contained units.
“RV Park” or “Camping Trailer Park” means a parcel of private land in which three or more contiguous sites are primarily for occupancy by recreational vehicles for travel, recreation or vacation uses. For mobile home parks, only spaces that are designated and/or are used for recreational vehicles shall constitute a recreational vehicle park. For the purposes of these regulations, the term “recreational vehicle park” shall include camping clubs.
“Sanitary sewage” means wastewater derived from domestic, commercial and industrial wastes and to which storm, surface, and ground water are not intentionally admitted.
“Sanitary sewer” means a sewer which carries sanitary sewage.
“Service connection” means that portion of the district sewer system connecting the private service line on a premises to the district distribution main, including the connection into the sewer main, the sewer related appurtenances, the service line from the main to the property line.
“Sewage” is a comprehensive term including industrial waste, storm drainage and wastewater.
Shall–May. “Shall” is mandatory; “may” is permissive.
“Side sewer” means a sanitary sewer pipe leading from a plumbing outlet, drain or other facility to the stub sewer of the public sewer system.
“Single-Family Residence” means a single residential structure providing complete independent living facilities and intended for long-term human habitation and occupancy by a single family.
“Standard mains” or “permanent mains” means mains conforming to the standard specifications or the District with respect to methods, materials and/or minimum diameter.
“Standard specifications” means those standard specifications, conditions, and requirements for sewer system construction which have been adopted by the board of commissioners of the District. This term includes standard specifications, conditions, and applicable requirements contained in the District's Developer Project Manual, latest edition.
“Storm drain” means a public or private drain which carries storm and surface water or drainage effluent from storm plumbing outlets, and other unpolluted water.
“Structure” means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location or attachment to something having location on the ground, and shall in addition include but not be limited to trailers, mobile homes and house trailers, but shall not include fences and walls.
“Stub sewer” means a sewer constructed from the lateral or trunk sewer to the property line, or edge of perpetual easement of the property being served.
“Substandard mains” means mains not con-forming to the standard specifications of the district with respect to methods, materials and/or minimum diameter.
“Suspended solids” means solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension in water, wastewater or other liquids, and which are largely removable by laboratory filtering.
“Unpolluted water” means water in its natural state, or water which after use for any purpose, is not substantially changed as to chemical or biochemical qualities.
“Wastewater” means the spent water of a community. From the source, it may be a combination of the liquid and water carried wastes from residence and commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water, and stormwater that may be present.
“Wet Weather Period” means the months of October through March, inclusive.
(Res. 782 § 4, 2019): Res. 756 § 7, 2019): Res. 691 § 1, 2010: Res. 617 § 1, 2002: Res. 149 § 1, 1976)
8.04.015 Extension of Sewer System
All extensions of the District sewer system, including extensions installed at the expense of a property owner, shall conform to the standard specifications of the District as defined in Section 8.04.010, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by a vote of the board of commissioners. A sewer main can be installed to serve properties by the formation of a utility local improvement or by entry of a developer extension agreement with District, all as prescribed by and in accordance with state law and District code. Res. 756 § 5, 2019)
8.04.020 Public sewers--Required connection and use.
All structures located on property assessed for sewers shall be required to connect to the district's sewer system where service is available. (Res. 149 § 2.01, 1976)
8.04.030 Connection--Time for completion.
The owner shall connect all applicable plumbing outlets to the public sewer at his expense at the point designated by the district. Such installation and connection, unless otherwise authorized, shall be completed within ninety days after the date of mailing or personal service of notice to the property owner directing such owner to make such connection. (Res. 149 § 2.02, 1976)
8.04.050 Connection of all plumbing outlets.
All plumbing outlets from any building or structure hereafter constructed or made available for human occupation and/or use for any purpose shall, when required by this section, be connected to a public sewer of the district before the completion of the construction of such building or structure or before any occupancy or use thereof is allowed. In the event that a public sewer capable of serving that building or structure has not been completed by the district prior to the construction or occupancy of such building or structure, such building or structure shall be connected to the public sewer within ninety days after written notification of public sewer availability. (Res. 149 § 2.04, 1976)
8.04.060 Side sewer repair.
Any needed repair to a side sewer or connection to a public sewer shall be made within thirty days after the date of mailing or personal service of a notice to the owner of the property served notifying such owner to make such repair. In the event of an emergency, the district may establish a shorter period of time for the repair to be made or, if the owner cannot be located or does not promptly make such repairs, the district may make the repairs under the procedure of Section 8.04.090 of this chapter. If the repairs are not made within the prescribed time and there is no emergency, the district may terminate all water and sewer service to the premises. (Res. 404 § A, 1984: Res. 149 § 2.05, 1976)
8.04.070 Notice of availability.
The district shall mail to the owner a notice that sewer service is available and all applicable service charges shall begin the first day of the month that begins thirty days after the mailing of such notice. (Res. 149 § 2.06, 1976)
8.04.080 Letter of availability.
All persons desiring to construct or place any building, mobile home or other structure to be used for human occupancy within the boundaries of the district shall be required to obtain from the district letter of “sewer availability” or “sewer non-availability” prior to applying to the county health department for a septic tank permit and/or the county building department for a building permit. Septic tank permits and/or building permits may be issued only after presentation of said letter. (Res. 162,1976: Res. 149 § 2.07,1976)
8.04.090 Failure to connect or repair side or stub sewer.
The district's attorney may be authorized by the board to bring suit against the owner or other responsible person, to compel such owner or responsible person to make the connection provided in Sections 8.04.020 through 8.04.050 of this chapter, to authorize the district to make the connection, or for such other relief as may be appropriate. The suit may obligate the owner to pay the district's costs, disbursements and reasonable attorneys fees. The district's attorney may be authorized by the board to bring suit against the owner, or other responsible person to make the needed repair to a side sewer, or stub sewer, if roots or any other cause has created a blockage, as provided in Section 8.04.060, to authorize the district to make the repair at the expense of the owner or other responsible person, or for such other relief as may be appropriate. The suit may obligate the owner or other responsible person to pay the district's costs, disbursements and reasonable attorneys fees. (Res. 149 § 3, 1976)
8.04.100 Side sewer permits--Application and issuance.
Prior to connection of any house, building or structure to the public sewer or the making of any repairs, alterations or addition to any side sewer or line connected thereto, an application for a side sewer permit, on an appropriate form provided by the district, shall be filed by the owner or his agent at the district office. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the district. Upon approval of the application the district shall issue a side sewer permit to the applicant, which permit shall be authorization to the applicant to proceed to connect in accordance with the permit. If the applicant proceeds in any manner other than as authorized, the district may require the applicant to redo any work that is not in accordance with the permit. (Res. 399 § 2 (part), 1984: Res. 149 §4.01 (part), 1976)
8.04.110 Term of permit
Any permit shall be valid for thirty days unless extended or renewed by the district upon good cause shown, upon application therefor, prior to the original expiration date. A renewal permit shall be valid for not more than thirty days. (Res. 399 § 2 (part), 1984: Res. 149 § 4.01 (part), 1976)
8.04.120 Exhibition of permit.
Any permit required in accordance with this chapter shall at all times during the performance of the work, and until completion thereof and approval by the district, be posted in some conspicuous place at or near the work and must be readily and safely accessible to the district's representative. (Res. 149 § 4.02, 1976)
8.04.130 Installation.
A property owner may install the side sewer on his own property provided he complies with the applicable provisions of this chapter. A side sewer contractor, registered in accordance with Section 8.04.200 of this chapter, shall be required for any work on public right-of-way and/or any connection to the main line sewer. Should the owner or occupant choose to employ a bonded side sewer contractor to do the work on this property, such contractor shall obtain the permit in his own name. (Res. 149 § 4.03,1976)
8.04.140 Community side sewer.
Whenever a side sewer is to be located on property other than the property being served, the owner or owners of the side sewer shall secure a written easement on an appropriate form provided by the district, covering and granting the right to occupy such property for such purpose. The written easement shall be recorded by the owner of the residence in the office of the county auditor and a copy of same shall be furnished to the district prior to issuance of a permit. (Res. 149 § 4.04, 1976)
8.04.150 Repair.
A repair permit shall be obtained from the district office for the repair of any minor portion of an existing side sewer on an appropriate form provided by the district. If the repair is not minor, the district may require the replacement of the existing side sewer. A repair is not minor if the integrity of the side sewer is impaired. (Res. 149 § 4.05,1976)
8.04.160 Capping.
When any property owner desires to have sewer service terminated for any property because the building or structure thereon is either removed, destroyed or condemned, whether by public health authorities or by a public entity having the power of condemnation, the side sewer shall be capped or sealed in a manner approved by the district. The owner shall apply to the district for a capping permit, on a form supplied by the district. Upon the issuance of the permit, the owner shall have permission to cap his sewer line at the point designated by the district. (Res. 149 § 4.06,1976)
8.04.170 Inspection.
- A. Required. No person shall cover or backfill any side sewer or public sewer without having called for an inspection and received permission and approval from the district. The district shall be given twenty-four hours notice when such construction is ready for inspection. If any person covers or backfills any side sewer or public sewer without having obtained approval, the district may require the person to uncover the work so that a proper inspection and approval can be made. The district shall have access at reasonable times to all single-family, multiple dwellings and other structures, for the purpose of examining any and all plumbing outlets and/or side sewers for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this chapter are being complied with.
- B. Materials and Workmanship. The district shall inspect and make such tests deemed necessary to ensure that the new construction meets all requirements of this chapter in respect to materials and workmanship.
- C. Testing. The district shall require all four-inch and six-inch sewer construction to be tested by water exfiltration test in accordance with these regulations. Eight-inch and larger sewer lines may be tested by low-pressure air tests in accordance with the current addition of the Standard Specifications.
(Res. 149 § 4.07,1976)
8.04.180 Nonconforming installations.
Nonconforming installations shall not be permitted without the express approval of the district, and all releases requested by the district shall be obtained in writing by the person requesting such installation. (Res. 149 §4.08,1976)
8.04.190 Fees.
- A. Payment Prerequisite to Permit Issuance. Prior to the issuance of any permit, all fees shall be paid to the district. The fees required are contained in Chapter 8.08 of this title.
- B. Additional Fees. In the event it is necessary for additional agency inspections on right-of-way outside permits, the additional amount of the inspection fee will be the responsibility of the property owner.
(Res. 149 § 4.09,1976)
8.04.200 Registration of side sewer contractors.
Any side sewer contractor performing any work within and with the approval of the district must be licensed with the state of Washington pursuant to RCW Chapter 18.27, the Contractors Registration Act, and must provide the district with proof of his registration. In addition, any contractor wishing to be approved by the district shall submit an application on a form provided by the district requesting such approval. (Res. 149 §5,1976)
8.04.210 Work in rights-of-way--Construction.
No person shall install stub sewers in any public or private thoroughfare or right-of-way unless he is registered with the district pursuant to Section 8.04.200 of this chapter, and has complied with all of the requirements of this chapter. Any work on rights-of-way shall be in conformity with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction over such rights-of-way. It will be the contractor's responsibility to notify the appropriate authorities before beginning work on the right-of-way, and to ascertain that the schedule of operation proposed is satisfactory to the agency; provided, however, that all work must be completed with dispatch and in a reasonable time. If a person has received notice from the appropriate agency or the district that certain work must be done and that person fails to do such work, the district may complete the work and charge the cost thereof to the person responsible. (Res. 149 § 6.01,1976)
8.04.220 Work in rights-of-way--Protection.
Any excavation made by any sewer contractor with the proper authority, in a right-of-way immediately adjacent thereto, shall be protected and guarded by fencing or covering with proper lights. The protection of the public from the danger of such excavation shall be the responsibility of the sewer contractor; and the contractor shall be liable for any damage caused by his failure to properly protect and guard such excavation as herein required. If the contractor fails to properly protect and guard such excavation as herein required, the district may properly protect and guard such excavation and charge the cost thereof to the sewer contractor, who shall, upon receiving written notice of the amount of such charge, immediately pay the same to the district. (Res. 149 § 6.02, 1976)
8.04.230 Work in rights-of-way-- Maintenance.
- A. Whenever construction work under this chapter is undertaken on easements or rights-of-way over private property or public right-of-way or franchise, all work shall be confined to the limits of such easements, right-of-way or franchise, and accomplished to cause the least amount of disturbance and a minimum amount of damage.
- B. The contractor shall make his own arrangements with the person or property owner(s) for whom he is working as to how the work is to be conducted and scheduled. The contractor shall also reach an understanding with the property owner as to what condition the owner's property is to be left in upon completion of construction. The aforesaid arrangements shall be completed prior to the commencement of work.
- C. The contractor shall not remove, even temporarily, any trees or shrubs which exist on private or public property, or in parking strips, without first having notified the property owner or authorities maintaining same. If it is necessary to remove trees, shrubs, etc., the contractor shall restore the same to an equal or better condition satisfactory to the property owner(s) and the district.
(Res. 149 § 6.03, 1976)
8.04.240 Construction standards-- Generally.
- A. These standards (Sections 8.04.240, 8.04.250, 8.04.260, 8.04.270, 8.04.280, 8.04.290, 8.04.300, 8.04.310, 8.04.320) are only for gravity lines and not intended for pressure mains. Pressure mains shall be allowed only when necessary in the opinion of the district. When allowed, they shall meet the requirements set out in Sections 8.04.242 through 8.04.243.
- B. All material and workmanship in connection with the installation of any sewers connected to the public sewer shall be as specified by this chapter and the standard specifications.
- C. Connection will be made at the point designated by the district and all plumbing outlets shall be connected to the sanitary sewer.
8.04.242 Application for a single-family sewer pump.
If a property cannot be served by gravity to a district main, a request may be made to the district for the owner to install a pump. The district may allow the pump as a nonconforming installation. This policy pertains only to single-family homes.
Owner's Name | Phone | |
Mailing Address | ||
Property Address | ||
Legal Description(Attach if necessary) | ||
I hereby apply for a variance from the District's Rules and Regulations, Resolution 558 as amended. The purpose of the variance is to install a pump for one single-family residence to which gravity service is not feasible or available. I have received the Procedural Checklist and Standards and herewith submit the review fee and required supporting documents. I understand that no permit will be issued for a pump installation until the plan has been approved and the Release signed. |
Applicant's Signature | ||
Print Name | Phone | |
Mailing Address | ||
Submit the standard side sewer permit, pump service application form, $ _ _ _ side sewer permit fee, and the following information: | ||
Check List | Date | |
1. Site plan to scale. Show property corners. | ||
2. Pump location on property. | ||
3. Elevations (see sketches): | ||
a. Basin Bottom | ||
b. Discharge Pipe | ||
c. Ground Level | ||
d. Gravity Point | ||
4. Force main: Material Type | ||
5. Route, Length, size of force main: Length: | ||
6. Pump specifications (attach specifications). | ||
1. Permit fee paid. | ||
2. Required documents received. | ||
3. Packet mailed to engineer. | ||
4. District notifies applicant: Approved/Disapproved | ||
1. Side sewer/pump system permit issued with electrical inspection waiver TYPED ON PERMIT. | ||
2. Force main air tested (10#/10 minutes). | ||
3. Electrical inspection: Copy of approved State electrical permit attached. | ||
4. Pump/float test. | ||
5. Pump installation and side sewer connection noted in District records. |
(Res. 558 § 1 (part), 1995)
8.04.243 Minimum standards for side sewer pump installation.
The following requirements are minimum and intended to apply under usual and ordinary conditions. These requirements may be increased or modified in the case of specific situations and if deemed necessary by the district manager or engineer. All electrical inspections must be made by a state certified electrical inspector.
- A. Pump.
- 1. Single unit, solids handling submersible sewage ejector type,
- 2. Heavy duty cast iron construction,
- 3. Two-inch solids passing,
- 4. Mechanical shaft seal,
- 5. Nonclog impeller;
- B. Motor.
- 1. Heavy duty, oil filled,
- 2. Thermal overload protection, with automatic reset,
- 3. Nonoverloading horsepower for hydraulic conditions at fifteen gpm minimum flow,
- 4. Two hundred thirty volt, single phase, one thousand seven hundred fifty RPM;
- C. Controls.
- 1. Three float switches (on, off, high water level),
- 2. Visual high water level alarm,
- 3. One-foot pump operation range,
- 4. Control panel shall have circuit breaker, motor contractor, hand-off-auto switch and pump run light,
- 5. Control panel shall be wall or post mounted;
- D. General.
- 1. Fiberglass or plastic pump chamber (twenty-four inches diameter, sixty inches tall) with fiberglass lid and PVC or galvanized steel vent pipe,
- 2. Pump discharge pipe shall be two- inch SCH eighty PVC,
- 3. Force main pipe shall be two-inch Class two hundred PVC with PVC fittings or two-inch SDR eleven HDPE (one hundred sixty psi) with brass fittings,
- 4. Four-inch gasketed hub for field installation of house plumbing connection,
- 5. Discharge pipe shall have two-inch PVC ball valve with stainless steel operator extension and extension support and two- inch PVC swing check valve,
- 6. Discharge pipe shall have quick disconnect fitting with stainless steel handle and chain for pump/discharge pipe assembly removal,
- 7. Electrical junction box mounted inside pump chamber;
- E. Options to Consider.
- 1. Galvanized steel lid for sump (higher strength but more prone to corrosion),
- 2. Audible high water level alarm with silence button mounted inside house.
Installation shall conform to the district standards, National Electrical Code, applicable local electrical code, the Whatcom County board of health rules and regulations, and the manufacturer's recommendations. (Res. 558 § 1 (part), 1995)
8.04.250 Grade and depth.
- A. All side sewers shall be laid on not less than two-percent grade (two feet per one hundred feet) nor more than two hundred percent (two vertical; one horizontal) grade. Side sewers shall not be laid less than thirty inches from any foundation wall of any building, and if there is no foundation wall, not less than thirty inches from the outer lines of any footings, pilings, or building supports. Minimum cover shall be not less than seventy-two inches at the curb line and not less than sixty inches at the property line, and not less than eighteen inches on private property. Any side sewer laid generally parallel to the curb line shall have not less than sixty inches of cover and all cover measurements shall be based on the established grade, or on existing improvements.
- B. If required for connection to the sewer main, the district may approve a variance to a minimum grade of one percent on four-foot and six-foot side sewers upon receiving a signed grade release form from the owner. Whenever a side sewer is laid at more than one hundred percent grade, the district shall require cast-iron or plastic pipe which conforms with this chapter.
(Res. 149 §7.01, 1976)
8.04.260 Alignment.
The side sewer shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment so far as is possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with curved pipe with no greater than forty-five-degree bends. The connection to the building drain and combination bends of ninety degrees shall include a cleanout. All pipe shall be laid on a firm earth bedding containing no material larger than one inch. If the trench bottom contains mud or water the pipe shall be laid on a four-inch granular base of three-quarters inch minus rock, pea gravel, sand or combination thereof. Backfill around the pipe and to a point four inches above shall be selected trenchside material, hand-placed and hand-tamped, with no material larger than one inch. (Res. 149 §7.02, 1976)
8.04.270 Design standards.
Unless otherwise called for, side sewer pipe shall be concrete, clay, cast iron, asbestos cement, or plastic and meet the following specifications:
Material | A.S.T.M. Specifications1) |
Concrete2) (with rubber gasket joints) | C-14X Class 2 |
Clay3) (vitrified) | C700 |
Cast Iron4) (with mechanical or roll-on type rubber joints) | A74 C564 |
Asbestos Cement5) (rubber gasket, oil resistant type) | C428 C644 |
Plastic6) | D3034, SDR 35 (PVC) D1785 (PVC schedule 40, 80, 120) D3033, SDR 41 (PVC) |
(Res. 149 §7.03, 1976)
8.04.280 Sewer pipe size.
A four-inch side sewer shall be required for any single-family dwelling. Two or more single-family dwellings to a maximum of four, two or more cluster living units to a maximum of fourteen, and multiple dwellings to a maximum of thirty family units may be served by a six-inch line. Eight-inch lines shall be required for any additional units thereafter. A six-inch side sewer shall be required for any building or structure not listed above. (Res. 149 § 7.04, 1976)
8.04.290 Manholes.
As the district deems necessary, it may prescribe standard manholes in side sewers of a greater length than one hundred feet. The district may prescribe a thirty-six-inch extra shallow manhole in cases where the side sewer depth is forty-two inches or less. (Res. 149 § 7.05, 1976)
8.04.300 Trailer and mobile living unit connections.
Sewer connections for trailers and other mobile living units shall be of a type approved by the district but in all cases shall be above grade and shall have the ability to be made airtight and watertight when not in use. (Res. 149 § 7.06, 1976)
8.04.310 Cleanouts.
A cleanout is required whenever more than a one-eighth (forty-five-degree) bend is used. Also, it shall be located immediately outside the house or structure where the district deems necessary. (Res. 149 § 7.07, 1976)
8.04.320 Water line location.
No water line shall be laid in any form or manner in the same ditch line as the sewer line. The side sewer must be installed so as not to interfere with or be constructed within three feet of any water line used for human consumption. (Res. 149 § 7.08, 1976)
8.04.330 Plumbing contractors.
No plumbing contractor shall make connections of side sewers to public sewers of the district without first being registered with the state of Washington pursuant to RCW Chapter 18.27. (Res. 149 § 7.09, 1976)
8.04.340 Grafts to public sewers.
- A. Wye or Tee Not Found. If a wye or tee is not found at the measurement given by the district, the contractor shall prospect five feet in all directions from the measurement given and if not found, then notify the district.
- B. Saddles. Unless otherwise specified by the district, prefabricated saddles will be used for any graft to the public sewer. No graft will take place unless the district representative is present.
- C. Payment for Grafts. The district shall allow a payment as set forth in Chapter 13.01 of this code, for any graft required where a wye or tee is not found in accordance with this section.
8.04.350 Discharge to sewer--Prohibited substances.
- A. Direct Inflow. No person shall directly discharge, or permit or cause to be directly discharged, any storm drainage water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, sub-surface drainage or cooling water to or in any sanitary sewer.
- B. Excess I & I. Excess I & I as defined in Section 8.04.010 is prohibited.
- C. Other Substances. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause or permit to be discharged any of the following described water or wastes to any sanitary sewer:
- 1. High Temperature Wastes. Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than sixty-five degrees centigrade;
- 2. Flammable or Explosive Wastes. Any gasoline, oils, paint, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas;
- 3. Obstructive Wastes. Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstructions to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the district sewage system;
- 4. Toxic or Poisonous Substances. Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constituting a hazard to humans or animals, or creating any hazard in the receiving waters of the district sewage system;
- 5. pH Limitations. Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works;
- 6. Suspended Solids. Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention, or expense, is required to handle such material at the sewage treatment plant, or is in excess of three hundred fifty milligrams per liter;
- 7. Noxious Substances. Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance, including the contents of septic tanks and cesspools, without written consent of the district;
- 8. Garbage. Any garbage that is not properly shredded garbage;
- 9. Paper and Plastic Products. Any paper and plastic products such as cups, dishes, napkins, and milk containers;
- 10. Greases. Any greases, (animal or vegetable) oils, or matter containing animal or vegetable grease or oil of any nature in excess of three hundred milligrams per liter;
- 11. B.O.D. Any matter containing a five-day biochemical oxygen demand in excess of three hundred milligrams per liter.
8.04.360 Grease, oil and sand interceptors.
Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided, when, in the opinion of the district, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amount or any flammable wastes, sand, and other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the district and shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection, and shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times. (Res. 149 §9.03, 1976)
8.04.370 Violation of discharge prohibitions.
For a violation of any provision in Sections 8.04.350 and 8.04.360, the District shall be entitled to any and all remedies available in law and equity for enforcement thereof including without limitation: damages, abatement, injunctive relief, specific performance, and recovery of all costs. The existence of Excess I & I shall be determined and corrective action directed by the Board of Commissioners pursuant to the following procedure.
- A. Sources of Information. Excess I & I or possible excess I & I may come to the attention of the General Manager through information from the Board, District staff, governmental agencies, District ratepayers and property owners, or the general public.
- B. Investigation and Report. As directed by the Board or as initiated by the General Manager, an investigation shall be conducted under the direction of the General Manager to review the evidence of existence of Excess I & I. Upon completion of the investigation, the General Manager shall provide an Excess I & I Report to the Board of Commissioners with a recommended Excess I & I determination and a recommended course of action. The Board shall review any Excess I & I Report.
- C. Notice and Public Hearing. Upon completion of an Excess I & I Report in which action by the owner of the Premises is recommended, or for other cause, a public hearing shall be scheduled before the Board of Commissioners for purposes of reviewing the Excess I & I Report, reviewing any additional relevant evidence on the matter, and entering a Board determination and direction thereon. At least ten (I0) days prior written notice of the public hearing shall be provided to the owner of the Premises suspected of discharging Excess I & I. Notice shall be deemed complete upon depositing same in the U.S. mail with first class postage affixed, addressed to the ratepayer of the Premises according to District records and, if different, to the record owner of the Premises according to the records of the Whatcom County Assessor. Best efforts shall also be made to provide prior written notice to other known parties of interest.
- D. Determination and Directive of Board. The Board of Commissioners shall review the Excess I & I Report and following the public hearing shall make a determination and enter written findings as to the existence of Excess I & I. If the Board of Commissioners determines that said Premises is discharging Excess I & I, the Board of Commissioners may send written notice to the owner of the Premises directing that the owner execute specified improvements to abate the Excess I & I.
8.04.380 Examination of water and sewage.
All measurements, tests and analysis of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this chapter shall be determined in accordance with “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage” and shall be determined at the control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the side or stub sewer is connected. (Res. 149 § 10, 1976)
8.04.390 Prohibited acts.
- A. Work Without Permit. No person other than representatives of the district shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written side sewer permit from the district.
- B. Prohibited Connection. No person shall connect any type drain, downspout, etc., other than sanitary plumbing fixtures.
- C. Excavations. No person shall leave unguarded any excavation made in connection with the construction or repair of any side sewer or private drain within four feet of any public place.
- D. Structures, Appurtenances and Equipment. No person shall break, damage, destroy, deface, alter or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the district sewer system.
- E. Unauthorized Construction of Sewers. No person shall commence any sewer construction without the issuance of a permit or otherwise meeting the provisions of this chapter.
(Res. 149 § 11, 1976)
8.04.400 Failure to connect--Charges.
Any property owner within the district located within an area served by the district's sewer system shall be subject to the charges mentioned in this section for their failure to connect their existing private drain and sewer systems with the district system within thirty days of the issuance of a notice by the district to so connect. For every month during which the property owner has not connected pursuant to the notice, the property owner shall pay a charge as set forth in Chapter 13.01 of this code. (Res. 343, 1979) (Res. 683, § 1(N), 6-11-2009)
8.04.410 Denial of permit.
The district shall have the right to refuse to issue a permit to any person, or registered side sewer contractor, where reasonable doubt exists that such person, or registered side sewer contractor, may refuse to, or be unable to comply with the provisions of this chapter. If, in the judgment of the district, the reputation or past performance of any person or registered side sewer contractor indicates a lack of ability to install a side sewer, stub sewer or any other sewer, public or private, in accordance with the accepted standards of the trade and the provisions of this chapter, a permit shall be denied that person or registered side sewer contractor. (Res. 149 § 12, 1976)
8.04.420 Industrial cost recovery.
Any industrial users of a sewer facility constructed with Environmental Protection Agency grant funds awarded after March 1, 1973, shall repay that portion of the grant amount allocatable to the treatment of its wastes. The method of repayment and procedures for handling the repayment shall be in accordance with Sections 35.905-6, 35.905-7, 35.905-8, 35.925-12, 35-928 and 35.935-13 of the Environmental Protection Agency Rules and Regulations for Water Pollution Control Construction Grants for waste treatment works as published in Volume 39 Number 29 of the Federal Register dated February 11, 1974. (Res. 149 § 13, 1976)